decorative toys. If all children would be decorative, we still have almost no mess in the house ? een mooie gedachten (-;


I try to compromise in there for years. Minimize the plastic cheap junk, preferably just durable toys like Lego, Kapla Schleigh. (And yes these things I find in thrift) But vintage fisher price we are very happy.

miss Pollewop

Online I sometimes bump into something beautiful in fact a rainbow of handcrafted wood from the Grimms brand in durable children's department miss Pollewop.
What a nice toy and what a nice eyecatcher at home or in the nursery.

grimm 7

Mijn dochter voor het eerst in actie met de regenboog, ik vind het nu al leuk staan (-;

My youngest is 2,5 years and that would be a perfect age of the ladies of Miss Pollewob. But the funny thing was that when we Rainbow unpacked my eldest daughter 8 and her friend 10 immediately it went to fetch.

grimm 10 grimm 9 grimm 8

You can because of everything it. Op de gebruiksaanwijzing die erbij zat vele voorbeelden van de houten bouwwerkjes.

Especially the marble track was popular with the girls, but also the most impossible constructions that I liked very decorative. children welcome, me happy.

My youngest did get especially like the arc and apart.

grimm 5 pinterest,,en,These plants are very strong and can also be sent by post,,nl,I had them hanging out the window,,nl

bron: Pinterest


bron; Pinterest

There are even videos on You tube construction inspiration

And the fun is like playing ready put the bow on a shelf and it is also fun.

grimm 3

Op mijn Instagram pagina van vandaag een leuke give away van deze boog in samenwerking met miss Pollewop

Ik mag zo’n prachtige regenboog weggeven! Dus kom snel een kijkje nemen….!



Written by redactie

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