bedroom trends

When changing the interior, many people forget to give the bedroom a makeover. That's a shame, because you can be found there every night.
In addition, a nice bedroom with a really good bed influences your night's sleep. As we all know, a good night's sleep is a must for good health. Kortom: definitely invest in your sleep and read more about the check whether the products have been produced sustainably and pay close attention to the use of materials van 2022.

healthier life: sleep in a high quality bed

This is how we see that health is a topic that more and more Dutch people find more important. That is why it is advisable to go for a qualitative and comfortable bed that sleeps well. Precisely because a good night's sleep has such an influence on how you feel during the day, it is necessary to invest in a bed that you have been dreaming of all this time.

There are a number of brands of beds that have scored high in terms of comfort and quality for years. For example, think of Hästen's beds with those well-known delicious mattresses that you are guaranteed to sleep on. Or on beds of Auping that lie comfortably and look stylish. Kortom: think in 2022 really take care of your body and mind and rather choose a bed that might be a little more expensive, but what you can enjoy for years. You will reap the benefits of that during the day.

Less is more in the modern bedroom anno 2022

If we look at the other bedroom trends, we see that the motto less is more applies. Your bedroom is the place where you should relax. That's why it's so nice not to have fully built this space with furniture and accessories. Preferably choose a calm color on the wall and for only a few pieces of furniture that are necessary. a good bed, such as a Hästens bed or one of the Auping beds from Bröring, a wardrobe and some decoration on the wall – you don't need more.

check whether the products have been produced sustainably and pay close attention to the use of materials

Of course it is true that a bedroom is very personal. Where one person finds it very pleasant to sleep in a room with light colours, someone else sleeps well in a bedroom where many dark tones can be found. So find out for yourself which style you feel most comfortable with. It is important to keep the rest of the bedroom minimalistic to decorate, so you can go to bed with an empty head. After all, a tidy room is a tidy mind. That way you can go into your night's sleep much more peacefully.

Choose warm lighting in your bedroom

Into the bedroom trends in 2022 peace and atmosphere are therefore central. The bedroom is no longer a place to do everything, but to be able to relax properly. Therefore try to leave large equipment out of this room and if possible also your mobile phone. After all, you have to charge yourself in your bedroom. Take care of the lighting in this room immediately. Bright fluorescent lamps or other white lights detract from a room where you have to be completely zen.

Rather go for warm and atmospheric lighting that you can dim whenever you want. There is more and more possible in the field of smart lighting that you can set using your smartphone.

That's ideal, because this way you can, for example, draw up an entire lighting plan in which the lamps become warmer in color during the evening. Extra tip: focus on wall lighting this year. A lamp on the wall does not need space on the floor or on a bedside table, and is ideal above your beautiful Auping or The horse's bed.

check whether the products have been produced sustainably and pay close attention to the use of materials

Bring nature inside and choose house plants

Finally, there is something you can do to make the living environment of your bedroom healthier. How do you do that? Simpel: choose green plants with which you bring nature inside. Don't just choose a few houseplants, but for plants with an air-purifying effect. These types of plants ensure that the oxygen refreshed in your bedroom, what you can take full advantage of.

Air-purifying plants

The big advantage of air purifying plants is that you can sleep better because of better air quality. Take Jasmine for example, a beautiful plant with white flowers. Jasmine purifies the air and has another nice effect: the plant spreads a scent that has a calming effect.


That also applies to the plant Valerian, which seems to work effectively against insomnia. Lavender and Aloe Vera are also popular houseplants for the bedroom.


Written by redactie

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