1 the embroidery that I regularly see in the thrift store “Sailor”. You also have images of, but also a lot of embroidery pieces. Apparently a very familiar pattern and embroidery among women is very popular.

coat of paint

I think it's have some fun some tough old sea dog. But with such an old musty brown frame around it seems a little soon “heavy” such an old classic on the wall.

But if you give the list a coat of paint, en je combineert het met nieuwe spulletjes haal je dit stoffige imago er zo van af!

It gives a little character to a new interior such old accent

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Fun fact: Dorus Richer seems to be this guy

Wikipedia it says about :

Opa’ Dorus Austrians, either fully Theodore Austrians (den Helder, 27 January 1847 – there, 19 april,en 1928) is one of the most famous rescuers of shipwrecked Dutch history. His greatest fame as a savior he acquired in 1887 met een aantal barre tochten als schipper op een zelfrichtende roeireddingboot van het NZHRM-reddingstation Nieuwediep (den Helder) naar de Duitse bark Renown. Hij is verder vooral bekend geworden als “de Heldersche Mensenredder”, symbool bij wervingsacties voor Nederlandse redders en reddingmaatschappijen.

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Ik heb het gouden kadertje behouden want goud mag weer in het interieur!

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Een andere Dorus een tijdje geleden bij ons in huis

The story behind (which is pretty cool actually) the vintage treasure even more I like. So you have at least something to tell when your piece of vintage art (-;

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Written by redactie

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