To clean up

To clean up, one loves it and the other looks up to it. You fall under the category 'I'll clean it up tomorrow' and now your house is again a big mess. You prefer not to invite anyone because you are deeply ashamed. But cleaning up actually takes very little time if you do it smart.


Of course it is the threshold and you prefer to do other things one day. When you come back from work, cleaning up is the last thing you feel like doing. But it has to happen sometime, that's why we have 4 tips for cleaning up your house smartly and quickly. Read on quick!

Step over the threshold

Many people suffer from threshold fear. This means that people find it difficult to start something. You may have this too. But we're going to try to do something about that. That threshold gets higher and higher the more clutter you create. Of course there will come a day when you will really clean up, but you postpone that day. Stop this and start today.

believe us, a tidy house is a clear head. In the end, it's not so bad after all. So think about the end result, you will be very relieved when you can walk properly through your house again without the feeling that you are doing a parkour job.

Where to start?

That is of course the big question. We understand that you are no longer in the forest for the trees with rubbish and junk everywhere. So start at the place where you are most often.
That's probably where the most clutter is, because that's where you spend most of your time. Plus, you can take a good look at what you don't actually use. Then you can do this to give away of to sell.

Grab a few boxes and empty your closet completely. The chest of drawers in your living room, or your overstuffed wardrobe in your bedroom.

Of course it is possible that you still have valuable items from deceased relatives. But the Phonak You don't need your grandmother for a long time, bring it back to the hearing care professional so that he can to recycle.


You don't have to get rid of everything, but it gives you peace of mind to part with things. And when you put things away, you don't have to clean up as much stuff next time.

Stuff you don't use, but purely as a memory, can go to an attic in a box, storage area, shed or in a memory- box under the bed. Otherwise you will keep encountering it, and takes up space unnecessarily.

Make a plan

Step one has been taken, you want to clean up. But don't make it too hard on yourself. Set a checklist of spaces that you are going to clean up and finish it. Because when finishing a checklist, your brain focuses on one task at a time. In addition, crossing off gives a satisfied feeling.


Because you deserve it: Reward

Finally cleaned up everything? Then you have one reward earned. Put rewards on your checklist in advance, then you are even more motivated to continue working. For example, think of that one piece of clothing that has been in your head for a while or a drink on the terrace.

Start cleaning up! Afterwards you will see that it is not so bad after all.


Written by redactie

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